Jun 26, 2011 13:14

I only have enough pills for tomorrow, stupidstupidstupid. I guess maybe I'll just take one a day instead of 2? I think sometimes I skip whole days and don't even notice anyways.

It's super hot here so I am doing laundry like a crazy lady. I'm on the third load so far and I also changed the bed linen and hoovered (and tidied, gah) the bedroom. I also want to take my doggie on the field so she can run around off of the lead... hopefully a dog and a toddler on the loose isn't too much for me to handle alone =/ My dog is mostly very obedient except when she get's into staring contests with other dogs or she finds water to play in... then she's not obedient at all. We shall see =)... unless I die of heat exhaustion on the way home haha.
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