Results show for Elvis Week

May 13, 2006 05:07

Loved the Medley!

Just like in Queen Week, Chris' performance in the medley totally overshadowed his performance on the previous night. Chris sings best when he loses the angry, defiant, stupid stare, rocker wanna-be personna and becomes an entertaing singer. Loved Taylor's dancing and thought he might drop KAT (just kidding, actually I thought the whole show was gonna drop her, but I was wrong).

Loved Taylor getting to do the bonus performance of JailHouse Rock. He changed it up and still rocked it out of the house!

Awhile back tons of fans, incuding me of course, were irrate because he was getting cheated out of TV time, commercial time, rehearsal time (because of late song changes), etc. After this night, many of his fans were complaining because AI 'made him sing an extra song' to get the other contestants and their fans riled up. Some people just can't be happy. Performing on TV, especially when you're hot, is extra face time for our guy. The other contestants fans weren't going to vote for him anyway. It was valuable exposure and he took full advantage of it and good for him.

Having voted myself silly on two land lines at the same time (which gives you a headache by the way, but Taylor is soooo worth it), and watching the figures on dialidol, I thought my wish was going to come true, Katharine would be going home, because bottom of list or not (Katharine and Chris were actually designated 3 or 4, as Taylor and Elliott were designated 1 or 2) I did not see Chris rocking himself to the airport for a one-way ticket out of the building. I was shocked, Simon was shocked, the judges were shocked, Chris' fans were shocked, and it goes without saying "chris was shocked". Being shocked is different from being disappointed! The arrogance of saying in so many words - 'everyone told me I was going to win' overshadows any understanding I would have for his disappointment. I actually sympathize with the idols disappointment when they have to leave, but being shocked because you 'had it in the bag' stirs a whole different emotion in me. 'Believing' your own press is always a dangerous move. You get your ego up and the quality of your effort goes down. In this case, some of his fans might have let him down, or some of Elliott's, Katharine's, and Taylor's fans might have loved their Idol more. That is what this show is all about. The one thing I have heard many of Chris' fans say is 'the show treated him bad'. Thay gotta be kidding. The show preened him like the AI already. The best of everything. If they did him or his fans any dis-service it was making them believe he was a winner already.

I can tell you I am going to be so disappointed when (IF) Taylor doesn't make it to the confetti shower that even though I try to get myself prepared every week, I know I won't be ready. But the only control I have is to vote and vote and vote. If Katharine or Elliott's fans vote more, what can I do about it? I vote to the best of my ability, as often a time will allow, and I encourage everyone I know to vote for Taylor. Taylor gives 200% he is pulling his weight by just being Taylor. I long for him to win. I don't like Katharine and I respect Elliott, but think he has some short comings for being the next AI, but no way can the idol voted off an their fans blame another contestant. I don't see the logic. Was I disappointed that Chris left? Only because it meant Katharine stayed when she sucked so bad and that is a scary, frightening indication of the strength of her fanbase. Can she win? Absolutely! Will she make the best AI? Not on your life! Does she deserve it? No way! Is it gonna happen? Good chance!

The one good thing about Chris being gone is no more cocky, boring songs that all sound the same with different titles.
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