Jun 08, 2009 15:54

THIS IS A CALL OUT TO ALL THOSE INVOLVED IN 'STARK'S WORLD TOUR' - His first stop-over is documented under the cut!!

He maaaade it!

Yep first port of call was London, England and I am pleased to say Stark's visit was short and safe. First off, a little apology for not updating until now - I have been mad busy with work (apparently acting means no time off... ever!) and just haven't had chance to stop and type. However I did try and make Stark's visit as interesting as possible for him, and though I couldn't go see lots of big sights, he did get to see where I live, where I work and bits of Central London, so not too bad for a week's stay!

I can tell you all now he is a very quiet and unassuming houseguest, doesn't make too much mess (n fact he generally kept himself to himself) however there was a slight argument on the first day as to which side of the bed he preffered and I think my boyfriend may have been a little distressed that Stark was in fact seeing more of me in a day than he was. >_<

Despite that we had a very enjoyable week together and here are the photos I managed to snap (apologies for lack of photographic skill... I never was an artist!!):

Here he is at my current place of work the Unicorn Theatre at London Bridge. Thankfully there were't too many kids about that day (it's a theatre for young people) so he didn't get mobbed or huggled too badly, and we were able to get a nice shot taken with the theatre's rather large and sparkly mascot!

And here he is helping me out and doing a bit of advertising for the show I'm in! He liked the fact that the piece contains a lot of travelling etc (it's a piece of promenade theatre) however he was a little distressed by all the crying that goes on in the audience. So I took him out for some air...

He felt a lot better once we were outside and looking at the Thames. Apparently the water was quite soothing (not sure about the many cars, boats, buses and tourists tho!!)

And he even posed a bit in front of Tower Bridge for you all!

Finally, here he is, packed and ready to continue on his journey. He's taken a little Mickey Mouse badge with him for his t-shirt - because as anyone who knows me knows, you can't experience my life without expeirencing my obession for Mickey also!

So hopefully he has found his way safetly to his next port of call! I packed him off mid-last week so finger's crossed the Postal System is being good to him.

Massive thank you to thecrazykind  for sending Stark along! I hope he had fun! And I can't wait to see the results of his continuing journey!

(PS for thecrazykind : If there's anyone involved who isn't on LJ just let me know and I can forward it by email, either through you or me, whichever's easiest!)

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