Sep 20, 2004 19:12
today lets see
~>biology -> blah...she called on me!
~>gym -> we went to the auditorium to get our pics taken b/c it was picture day and they are for the yearbook and stuff...i have to mail in the form b/c they didnt give the form to us...geometry -> also blah...its so...boring
~>crafts -> we are on a new project its cool...caitlin takes alot of the colors im gonna use...but its okay...i always find something else...;|
~>lunch -> i did my geometry homework and i talked to maryan and nicole
~>english 2 -> when i was going to this class the "dougie look a like" has a class next door...i never noticed was like but it was kind of boring and she didnt give us the chocolate kiss she promised on friday
~>us history -> its the same as always...its okay...
~>band;keyboard -> its kind of bored b/c the stuff she is teaching now i know
~>french 2 -> it was the boringest day of french so far....the rest of the days were so....funny
im invited to two halloween partys and i HAVE TO dress up...what should i be? please post suggestions...i havent dressed up for the past about 2 or 3 or 4 years
remember dreamstreet and the song jennifer goodbye...and the one part went like "dont wanna be your fall back guy"? i feel like im a fall back friend O_o people who say they are my friend only come to me when they have no one else to hang with... like sam(even last year) in computer class she hung with stephanie until she moved then it was me she hung with and in history last year if la-trica wasnt there then she'd hand with ashlee s. and if both werent there then it was jessica, if not jessica its me..and this year its ashlee s. then if not its lisette then its me(?)...and Jen too...kind of like in gym shes with rachel and nicole, but when they have lab then she'll hang with seems its always like that...its like i dont have a friend.... O_o