Sometimes, I wish I was brave, I wish I was stronger, wish I could feel no pain...

Aug 08, 2003 10:58

This morning I ran 3 and 1/2 miles for soccer workouts. Oh boy. We also did the timed mile and I was a little bummed that I didn't do as well as last year, but I think it was because we ran so much before doing it. Last year the first thing we did was the mile, so my legs were more fresh. Hmm....I think I will run it every day so I do better though. (:/) Aaaaanyhow
I have no idea what I am doing tonight. It's friday night, and I finally finished reading my book! Now time to clean up my notes and write the paper. The easy part. Totally. Well its all easy, just time consuming I guess. So I am about to get online and hang out with the first person who IMs me. Yea, thats it. lol Probably katie or amy, or or...tom? jeff?

::Takes 5 min to delete all the damn porno pop-ups:: SO AGGRIVATING!

Ok, so last night was funny as hell. Amy and I went over to Kellie's, I only stayed for a few hours, but we reminisced (YES, thats how you spell it...I looked it up!) about middle school, and amy and I even went to the same grade school and went to the same parties, had the same friends, yet never really got to know eachother, it is so strange. But I am glad we are friends now! ;) So we go outside to take a walk and its pretty dark, Kellie and I have a ritual of pole banging and rolling down hills (but it was too wet out), so we were making a looooot of noise and mad people were looking out their windows I'm sure....until this red blazer slows down to us and this guy shouts "Heeeeeeey...." I can't remember if he said hey ladies or hey girls, or what have you but kellie had just been joking about the evanescence song where the girl goes "Don't let me die here.....BRIIIIIIIING MEEEEEEE TOOOOO LIIIIIIIIFE...." and She would do it in this 40yr old smoker's voice and it was when this guy calles to us she looks over and shouts: "DON'T LET ME DIIIIIIE HERE!" in the fuuuuuniest voice ever!!! We started cracking up until the guy slammed on the brakes and stopped for a second in hesitation. We looked at eachother, dead silent, then he screeched his tires and took off really fast to turn around and chase us! So we started running....I swear my adrenaline was just rushing all over but at the same time it was so funny, so I am way ahead of the other two and I look back feeling bad....cuz I don't want the guy to kill them, I couldn't just leave 'em for dead ya know? So I run back and we stop and the guys headlights are comin around the corner and I try to hide behind a tree and he goes past and you just keep hearing him screech his tires! So we finally rush to kellie's door and she had asked ME to hold on to her keys earlier, which I had thrown in my purse....which is just a mess, so I am frantically searching for them in my bag with my fingers and I just can't get it together at all....and I'm like..."OH MY GOD, OH MY's just like a horror movie...when you can't get your car started....I can't find the keys and hes gonna come and get us!....ahhhh" (totally scaring amy and kellie) and this car is racing towards us at her door....and we finally make it in and close the door and RUN into her house all out of breath.....when we looked it was a different car though. We are such freaks. haha.

Wowy, so I am gonna go make some plans for tonight and get ready. *Ciao!

Thanks for the box car racer cd kel! I can't believe you don't want it anymore! Oh probably won't see this for a while since you're in NC but hope you're havin fun....
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