Aug 06, 2007 00:34
just a thought... now stick with me here.
Truth #1:
We must know the source of our strength to cast out fear...
If you agree, procede...
Truth #2:
God is the source of our strength (don't believe me, open your Bible and read!)
If you agree, procede...
Truth #3:
The Bible says that God is love, not just any old love- but perfect love.
If you agree, procede...
Truth #4:
I John 4.18 says "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment..."
So, if we must know the source of our strength to cast out fear- and we know God is that strength, and we also know that God is love- and perfect love casts out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment, it means that God's strength in casting out our fears is not like the strength you show when you're proving you're stronger than some annoying snakes on a plane, but rather that God's love drives his strength, the same way that a parent would do anything to rescue their child from harm, and that that love casts out fear.
...therefore, why fear? all our fear really is is showing that we don't believe in God's strength, or His perfect love which can overpower fear...
i'm guilty of fears just like any of you (snakes closed places, spiders, etc.) but we must not allow fear to control our lives. we must let God have complete control... for he is perfect love, that drives out all fear- and His perfect love can be shown to others. through His perfect love, we may learn how to love... God wants us to grasp this idea, because He sent Jesus so that we may have an abundant life, living a life that's fully alive, all for God's glory... not live a life in fear, waiting for our next punishment... what kind of life is that!?
deep thought,