WTF Dressing like a slut makes it our fault? SLUTS of the world unite.

May 29, 2011 15:11

On January 24th, 2011, a representative of the Toronto Police gave shocking insight into the Force’s view of sexual assault by stating: “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized”.

Sorry but Toronto Police WTF?

i am and always will be a slut but since when does the clothes one wears make it a yes to be raped?

And since when is rape the same as sex?

RAPE IS ABUSE AT ITS FOULS FORM>. NEVER the victims fault unless you are the weak, low life that is the rapists then it becomes all about the victim and not yourself.

No, sorry, I’m a slut. That doesn't mean that I sleep with everyone, nor does it mean I sleep with anyone. It simply means that I am unashamedly enthusiastic about sex.  Thanks Graydancer, i couldn't say it any better.

WOW, surfing the net can really open ones eyes.  i am most proud and happy to call myself a slut and not a rapist or a police officer of Toronto.  i also feel sorry for anyone that is a police officer and gets grouped in with Toronto PD.  Who unfortunately lived up to the title of pig.

What a way to start the year for some and the summer for me.

slutwalk, slut, rape

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