Apr 22, 2008 11:25
So after finish D/L C&C3 Kane's Wrath I'm back into C&C world again!, reinstall original C&C and the expansion take around 11Gb left me only 4Gb on my C drive -.- campaign mode is fun with Kane and his anger, I'm really looking forward to see Natasha Henstridge in mission cut scene, gonna be awhile since I'm on mission 3 -_- Global conquest mode look decent too but I don't have chance to play with it much yet ;x
I remember when first C&C3 release, I play it alone with my friend on hamachi, mostly team up vs AI which usually take hour or so since hard/brutal AI is totally cheating, we usually meet in ff11 then do few assault and log to play C&C hehe eventually got bored and stop I guess C&C got bored very easy, to me its nothing much more than pump unit and overwhelm the enemy (or get overwhelmed ;x) I'm not using much more tactic beside that -_-
I also finish D/L Assasin Creed in same day but can't install and play it yet since I don't have enough disk space left after install C&C , time to burn those movie image I guess, but I don't have enough DVD so its time to go mall and buy some too, BUT I'M TOO LAZY, get to mall usually take around 1hr waiting for bus and get there, but going back home take way longer since stupid bus to get back has so long interval also mean fuck load of ppl when it comes too and likely I have to pass and wait for another one, WHICH LIKELY FULL OF PPL IN IT TOO, thats why I usually ask for people who go to some kind of IT mall to buy for me, but frankly last time I ask the guy was 3-4 months ago and he never tell me he go to the mall since, he probably knows I'll ask him to buy shit ;x