Yeah, I've got one...atma_00October 30 2004, 06:43:00 UTC
Actually, it's kinda unclear. A katana is undenyably cooler, and the black and white pic of the old cannon, compared to the color glam shot of the sword... These lead me to believe you support Playstation 2. Realisitcally, though, a cannon is far more powerful than a katana. A man with a cannon could potentially take out a whole army of katana-weilders, in fact. Sooo...yeah....that's all I got. Maybe, like, a wooden club woulda been a better first picture.
(insert nerdy laugh)atma_00October 30 2004, 09:45:10 UTC
Your call on it is pretty dead on. If you know anything about Japan, then you know the real reason that ps2 has all of the better niche games is because Japan refuses to fully accept another nation's product. It's dead last in the console wars in Japan, waayy behind both Nintendo and PS2. So of course, all of the niche Japanese games are going to go to the playstation. Almost all of the big x-box titles are by American developers. As someone who's played enough games on both to make the call, graphically the x-box wins, no contest. Games that came out when the x-box was released look almost as good as some brand new ones for ps2. And every single time a title is on multiple platforms, it's better in every way on x-box. Minus the controller.
Re: (insert nerdy laugh)nova_starrOctober 30 2004, 09:52:33 UTC
Games that came out when the x-box was released look almost as good as some brand new ones for ps2. I blame that partly on the ps2's architecture (32mb of RAM is NOT a lot to store textures in) and partly on the knowlege of the people making the game - x86 is worlds easier to code for then EE, especially when you have 14 years more experience on your side.
Re: that sould read...justaduckOctober 30 2004, 22:00:06 UTC
you can't compare the two directly, because the xbox is a "media center" (put music on it, paly dvds on it, play games, simple internet play, probably some stuff i don't know about, etc...) while the ps2 is pretty much just a game console that plays DVDs. to get any of the extra stuff that comes stock with an xbox, you have to buy extra stuff.
The Playstation 2 that I have does all that an xbox can do. (CDs, DVD videos, DVDROM, games, internet) And I didn't buy anything separate. Though I think when the PS2 came out the internet port on the back didn't come stantard. It's an arguable point that the xbox does all those things better, but when it comes down to it, I would take the ps2 over the xbox simply because I like the games better, and the controller kicks the xbox's ass.
Re: that sould read...justaduckOctober 31 2004, 02:46:02 UTC
hmm... maybe. But you're not likely to have the xbox playing music and a game at the same time because the game should already have music. so it's just as useless as the ps2 in that you can only play music if there's a cd in the machine. And If I was going to play music while playing a game, I might as well just use my laptop and save myself the trouble of having to re-rip all the songs that are already in mp3 format.
Re: that sould read...nova_starrOctober 31 2004, 02:48:40 UTC
not necessarily.
you've never used your ps2 to play cds when you were doing something else... reading, doing homework, whatever?
using the xbox's ability to rip+store, you wouldn't have to get up to change CDs. also, you wouldn't need to keep swapping your cds like you would with the ps2.
Re: that should read...justaduckOctober 31 2004, 03:00:25 UTC
No. honestly, I never have. I've had this laptop longer than the ps2 and now that I have the ps2, I don't have a TV.
I don't disagree. I'd rather be able to rip and store my music than change the cd all the time, but there are many other and even some better ways to listen to music, so I find that feature obsolete on both platforms.
this is an xbox; this is a playstation2.
any questions?
I blame that partly on the ps2's architecture (32mb of RAM is NOT a lot to store textures in) and partly on the knowlege of the people making the game - x86 is worlds easier to code for then EE, especially when you have 14 years more experience on your side.
The Playstation 2 that I have does all that an xbox can do. (CDs, DVD videos, DVDROM, games, internet) And I didn't buy anything separate. Though I think when the PS2 came out the internet port on the back didn't come stantard. It's an arguable point that the xbox does all those things better, but when it comes down to it, I would take the ps2 over the xbox simply because I like the games better, and the controller kicks the xbox's ass.
because you don't have the option to store them as .mp3s?
so you can build a personal jukebox out of your xbox?
i'm just saying, it's a capability that the xbox has out of the box that the ps2 doesn't.
you've never used your ps2 to play cds when you were doing something else... reading, doing homework, whatever?
using the xbox's ability to rip+store, you wouldn't have to get up to change CDs. also, you wouldn't need to keep swapping your cds like you would with the ps2.
I don't disagree. I'd rather be able to rip and store my music than change the cd all the time, but there are many other and even some better ways to listen to music, so I find that feature obsolete on both platforms.
whether or not you use all the features is up to you.
But which are you more likely to play? That was the underlying question here. (though, I realize now, I worded the question totally wrong. My bad)
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