Aug 05, 2005 14:12
Camp was good
I'm glad to be back home.
I've been a bookworm lately.
I've also realized how fake, shallow, and stupid our world is.
Why the hell does it matter what you wear, or how much you spend on your jeans?
Does it really matter if you're pretty or ugly and if you've got expensive shoes on?
No it doesn't
It matters whats on the fucking inside.
How smart you are and if you ouse the right grammar.
I'm just so tired of this fucking corrupt world.
And who the fuck said it was cool to take 100 pictures everytime you walk outside or wake up?
It's not.
It's annoying and stupid.
If the only way you can raise your selfconfidence by posting pictures of yourself on the internet and having people say they think you're pretty even though they may or may not think so, then you've got a warped sense of living.
Look at the world, its beautiful and amazing.
How do trees grow and how do bunnies and squirrels live?
But we care more about buying huge cars that resemble war vehicles and robbing the world of its oil, destroying the o-zone layer, and poluting our lungs.
I just don't understand or see the point.
I'm tired of this