attack of the quizzes!

Nov 27, 2004 19:44

holy crap... my old french teacher would be impressed.
Take the quiz: "French Quiz"

Vous etes hyper-chouettes.
Wow you know your French! Or maybe you were cheating. Ca m'est egal! You are an awesome French speaker! Let's go to France together OK? Ok I'll see you there.

hmmmm... interesting... people are usually telling me to shut up.
Take the quiz: "Are you a freak?"

Too quiet.are you just invisable?
Are you there?Do you have a voice?if so SPEAK UP!!!!

Take the quiz: "What dessert are you"

You are a cupcake! Innocent and sweet more than every one else. Everyone loves someone like you!

cool. though i personally like chocolate better....
Take the quiz: "What Flavor smoothie are you?"

You're full of fun and energy and you always know how to make people smile.

i like milk chocolate better.....mmmmm. chocolate.....
Take the quiz: "What kind of chocolate are you?"

White chocolate
You are white chocolate!

reg. yogurt is better. but go-gurt is ok. just has a weird name.
Take the quiz: "What on-the-go breakfast food are you?"

Busy busy busy. Do you slow down? My eyes... they hurt. AUGH. That's ok. I just hope you slow down and have fun.

ok, enuff qizzes for today. tune in to see what dumb, mindless quizzes i take tomorrow!
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