I've run across no fewer than three rec sites recently in which the reccer says she's seen nothing, or very little, of a show, and then proceeds to rec a long list of fanfic for that show. This annoys me to no end - in fact, I might go so far as to say it pisses me off, deeply, and almost offends me. I mean, why bother - and where do you find the chutzpah - to rec stories that deal with a show with which you're not familiar? Isn't this incredibly presumptuous?
Maybe my reaction is just another manifestation of what
zebra363 described in
this post and comments to
this post: I'm tolerant of lots of things, when done by someone who knows and loves the characters as I do, but I'm far less tolerant when the same things are done by someone who doesn't share my emotional investment.
How do you folks feel about this? Am I overreacting, or being elitist/intolerant/unfair/something-else-bad?