Taking a little break from uploading so to the archive - did 120 so far today! (work? what's that? *g*) to do a little nothing post, just for the hell of it - this is for you,
cmshaw! *smooch*
Am spending most of my time doing archive-related things. This is good - I am having a blast. But my shoulders are in knots. Anyone know a good massage person in the DC area?
Am re-reading Volume 1 of The Hunting, by Jane, just for the heck of it - I'm a sucker for old-fashioned fantasy with tons of hot m/m sex *g*. Also re-read one of my all-time favorite Pros fics,
the_shoshanna's Never Let Me Down. Am also reading some of Meg Lewtan's stories. One of these days will post my thoughts about some or all of those.
Am considering whether to post my earlier post about Jane's Czardas to Pros-lit. Might it inspire interesting discussion? Might it inspire lurkers to come out of the woodwork? Or would it just piss everyone off?
Am wanting desperately to watch Pros eps, but that will have to wait a little longer - archive comes first right now.
Am very much enjoying the recent flood of wonderful (if generally too short) DS fic - but am saving
cesperanza's new fic (which is not too short, and features an Epilogue, yay!) for a very special occasion, when I feel I deserve such a treat.
Took all 4 catniks to the vet (vet gives a discount if you bring three or more!). Arnold, the one with kidney disease, is doing great - despite his absolutely awful numbers, he's gained a pound and a half in last year (he's up to 6.5 lbs, from a low of about 4.5) and is very happy, eating and drinking well, etc. I still give him subcutaneous fluids every other night, but that's not really a problem. The other guys are fine.
Griggs is - finally - thriving at his new barn, after spending the first few weeks getting beaten up mercilessly by the other horses in his field (despite his enormous size, he is most definitly not an alpha horse), but he banged his eye on his feed bucket (not a bright horse, either, but I'll cut him some slack - his head is very big!) and got a little ulcer thingy on his eye. But the goop the vet provided seems to be doing the trick. Man, between the cats and the horse I sometimes feel like I must be keeping my vets' kids in college.
Am wondering whether I can stand to watch the debate tonight or whether I'll lose it and run screaming from the room. Probably the latter. Maybe I shouldn't even bother to try - Mr. JaC can tell me what happened. (Am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I really don't want to watch it, even though I do care deeply about the outcome of the election. Not that my vote matters, given where I live.)
And finally: am feeling very delinquent - so many emails and LJ posts that I want to respond to, I'm scrambling to try to keep up. Been trying to do at least a minimal amount, and to drop by chat once in a while, but I fear I'm a bit single-minded right now. But I'll do it, I will, I will ...
Enough for now - back to the grind. And happy slightly-belated birthday, and endless thanks and hugs, to
meri_oddities, my Patron Saint of Pros (and Provider of Zines *g*).