May 27, 2006 22:45
SO.... I am done with yet the second to the lastsemester of school. I actually got an A in biology- can you F-ing believe that?!!! I was so shocked because 1 I got an A and 2 I was 1 of 3 people to get an A. So thank heaven I am done with that shit. As far as bowling I know I at least got a B if not an A. and for comm 120- well she can go suck a duck! I am really not sure if i did well in her class but god knows. I just hope I got a C so i can pass and move on to my last 3 classes. *sighs* but as for now I am looking forward to having a social life this summer because I haven't had one since the beginning of the year. So if u wanna hang out and do something I am now free on tues and thurs evenings and pretty much mon and fri mornings...and the weekends change depending on my manager's rotating weekend schedule. So leave me a message and hopefully we can get together!
ciao darlings!