(no subject)

Jan 15, 2006 02:54

Why did I let you do this to me again? I'm just the biggest fool. I just want you to tell me the truth. I'm sick of all the lies. Everyone feeds me fucking lies in an attempt to save me from the truth, but it just ends up hurting worse. So just tell me the truth. Just say it once and for all so I can go back to living my life. So I can stop living in the dream of maybe one day you'll give in. Just say that you don't find me attractive. Say that I'm fat and ugly and not emo. Say that you hate the way I talk to you, the way I make you feel guilty all the time. Tell me you couldn't ever imagine having sex with me. The thought of it makes you gag. Tell me I never even had a sliver of a chance because I was not born with a penis (even though I could make you feel better than any other guy could). Why did you feel that you had to string me along? Why is it that nice guys always finish last? You did the same fucking thing you did to me two years ago. How come I didn't learn my lesson? I'm the idiot. I'm not trying to be a myrtar I'm just realizing that it really is my fault. I let it happen again and I got hurt again and it doesn't matter anymore because I'm not going to let it happen again.

By the way, I did lie to you. It wasn't just a story. It was about you.
It's never going to be about you again.
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