Dec 24, 2003 02:05
out with the old and busted, in with new hotness.
thats right, a new layout after god knows how long of my old one. come take a gander at it if you're reading this entry from your friends page.
well, i havent had a whole lot to update about lately. some exams i busted ass on, others i got rammed by (a la, precal..). ive been working practically everyday since school let out. some days i make great money, other days i bust my ass and dont make shit. dammit.
plus, i do not get out of there before 11.30 on a regular night. no joke. there is nearly TWO HOURS worth of side work you have to do before you can leave. RE FUCKING DIC FUCKING ULOUS. by the time i get done with that shit, i only end up making around $7/hr because i have to stay for an extra two hours cleaning shit.
so i get stressed out, bust my ass, dirty as well, and exhausted for a wage i can get at a more relaxing job. if it werent for that fucking pain in the ass sidework...
last night while i was doing it, my thumbnail got caught on something and, yes, tore a nice chunck of itself off. bleeding and bandaids. it hurts so bad. if anything barely touches it, its like "alright matt, thats it. im going to kick your ass and sting like shit and make you curse loudly."
dammit. i know it sounds odd, but i think im going to have to start looking for a new job, already. its just not worth it.
oh well.
merry xmas everyone