So I went to see the kids perform last Monday with their band - great stuff. Got their clever T-shirt, which says 'there is no plan b' on the front. ??? The back says 'plan a: sex (check) drugs (check) rock and roll (check)'. Great, huh?
So after their gig, I'm waiting for the headline act to show up (devil doll). And some lady in the audience asks me about the t shirt. So I turn around so she can read the back. She was concerned that the front was a reference to the morning after pill, sometimes called Plan B, and that I might be a radical fundamentalist. Sure, at a concert for someone called Devil Doll. Ok, that was amusing enough.
So today I dutifully check on The Onion, cuz I'm procrastinating, and what do I find: spoof on Plan C, the morning after-morning after pill.
I'm detecting a theme...