Nov 18, 2005 15:51
So this little girl
decided to tell me i need to grow up
Dear little girl
this is for you
If by grow up you mean
- have a steady job
- passing school
- plans to graduate
- doesnt run to mommy when i need money
- has goals
- showers daily
- can do things for my self
- Knows what i want out of life
- has good friends
- Has a great boyfriend
then too late
ive already grown up
but if you mean
- sleeps around
- Probably wont make it out of high school
- talks shit
- lies all the time
- cant do a thing for her self
- cant get/hold a job
- gets talked bad about all the time
- Drink/ does drugs so she passes out everywhere
then no sorry
i dont want to do your kind of growing up.
I like not fucking my life up
thank you though.
everything is drama free
until you decide to come along
your life goal = how much drama can i cause in one week
well congrats.
because you cause alot