I'm Weird..

Jan 06, 2011 14:45

I find it very odd that I can nearly run a red light (thanks for stopping me Carolyn lol) and feel almost nothing.. no panic or fear or hysteria of any kind.. true that it was after midnight and not many cars were around, but still.. years ago I would have been shaking and crying at such an experience.. I feel like that's how I SHOULD react.. but nothing. Strangely I dream quite frequently (over the last few years) about going through red lights and nothing happening when I hit the brakes.. though I've never crashed or hit anything in those dreams.. I hope they haven't desensitized me to real life! Then again.. that might even be for the better.. it's not like I'll ever run a red light on purpose, but it probably makes me a much safer driver that I don't panic or get upset. Heh, I like that.

So that doesn't bother me... however when I'm alone in an elevator and the door opens to let somebody else in.. even though I'll specifically say to myself "somebody will now be entering the elevator," without fail I jump out of my skin the instant someone steps into view. Weird right? It's embarrassing haha and I can't seem to get a grip on it :S I'm also super paranoid that when I get on an elevator alone at night there will be someone who's been just waiting in there for some unsuspecting young lady to get on.. creepy.
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