NaNoWriMo Wrapup

Nov 29, 2009 00:41

Last day of NaNoWriMo. I'm absolutely exhausted. My novel's still going nowhere, and I'm not even halfway to finishing it, and I'm planning to stay awake until 3am tonight to write as much as I can before the deadline.

Word count? 40,565 words. 9435 to go until I reach the NaNo goal, although my novel will probably be around 80,000 words.
Chapters? Less than 10 out of the 23 chapters I mean to write.
Pages? I can't bother to check.
Plot? I still do not have a coherent one. All I have are some random scenes stitched together.
Characters? One dead, one gone mad and hallucinating, one's in a nuthouse even though he ain't mad, another one is going through extreme angsting, and yet another character is missing. I feel bad for them all.
My muse? Nowhere to be found.
Spelling and grammar? Atrocious.
My brain? 99% dead.

Yeah...that kinda sums up my first ever NaNoWriMo. D: After tonight, I'm planning to take a week off to relax and to some extremely early Christmas shopping before I continue my novel...however long it will take. *rubs eyes* I probably deserve a rest after a whole month of slaving over the novel. After yesterday's non-stop 4 hours long writing spree, I fee like this:

As for today's NaNo progress, I must admit that I ended up procrastinating making good use of my time reading Desolation Island and listening to the 2005 Vienna recording of Elisabeth. German musicals and Patrick O'Brian are made of win :D. Plus I'm dreading the next chapter I'm about to write. It involves heavy angsting and going insane - oh, and there's also a some hallucination thrown in as well. I put my characters through so much hell. O_O I think I might need to read a bunch of humor fanfics to cheer me up after so much depression. Any suggestions?

elisabeth, nanowrimo, writing, characters, rants, desolation island, novel, pob

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