intercepting transmissions [Enterprise Bridge]

Oct 02, 2009 19:43

When not on the Bridge, scouring over subspace and trying desperately to pick up something useful, Nyota found herself trying all manner of things to try and distract herself from the horrible truth: they had absolutely no leads, no information. Nothing. It was hit and miss; sometimes she found herself pleasantly distracted, other times she didn't. After a couple of hours of restlessness, she returned to her bedroom and logged into the communications network. It was an odd tradition, but the white noise of space broken by the occasional transmission comforted her.

Then there was the broken hum, the faint noise that only the most delicate ears could pick up. The ionization they were so desperately hoping would lead them to the Captain manipulated the network in an almost imperceptible way, causing a slight disruption whenever someone beamed on or off the ship. Narrowing down this anomaly and replaying it wasn't useful in the slightest, but again it was familiar, a constant that she could understand and explain. She had no idea what was going on in Spocks mind however desperately she wanted to, so she would fall back on this, what she knew.

Idly she flipped over to a new frequency, expecting absolutely nothing but the dull buzz of an empty subspace. The smooth (yet panicked) tones of George Kirk speaking at her was definitely not what she expected. She sat up straight in her seat, checking first the frequency she was on and the date of the transmission. It was recent and on a frequency that she rarely used. Why had she even flipped to it? It didn't matter, she realized as she stared at the wall, listening to it play over and over. It was recent. That meant they were alive. She could have kissed her computer PADD. It was only on the fifth listen when she paid attention to the words instead of the man saying them that a frown crossed her features.

The Kelvin was long gone. Everyone in the damned universe knew that, George more than anyone. So it was a code, a deceptive message. Despite the situation, Nyota flashed a bright smile. "Smart George." she whispered to herself, already on her feet. She scooped up her PADD and rushed from the room, up to the Bridge as fast as her feet would carry her. In her haste she completely forgot to put on her boots, and was still dressed in the shorts and tank top that served as her work out uniform. But as she had something very important to share, she figured that Spock or whoever he had left in charge on the Bridge would forgive her breach of regulation.

The moment the turbo-lift doors opened, she moved to her console, motioning for the Ensign to get up and allow her to sit. Once down she checked the frequency against her PADD before discarding it haphazardly onto the side, eyes now on her console. Yes! There it was, clear as day, with the ancient codes to the Kelvin. She smiled brightly again, fingers flying over the keys as she started the trace on his transmission. The encoding was easy for her to break and within minutes it was there on her screen. Exactly where they were. "I swear to god you stubborn bastards better still be alive." she muttered to herself, a sense of elation filling her as she forwarded the co-ordinates to Spock's PADD (protocol, as he was now Acting Captain) before standing up and looking around the Bridge for whoever was supposed to be in charge.
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