In hindsight, perhaps offering to spend the night bar hopping with Gaila hadn't been the best idea after two days of a punishing climb up the infamous Galartha. Her entire body was protesting against even the slightest movement, as it had been doing since she returned that morning and collapsed into a long, relaxing bath. Still, it was an enjoyable kind of ache, and the trek had been most constructive. Besides, she wanted to see her best friend come hell or high water and a little muscle cramp wasn't going to stop her enjoying their time together.
After an explorative roll of her shoulders, Nyota found her body was far more receptive and set about getting ready. It rarely took her too long and tonight was no different. She slipped on the new dress she'd bought on her first shopping expedition here,
a loose gold slip of a dress that wouldn't prove too warm in the tropical climate. A light coat of bronze across her lids and cheeks - Gaila had always admonished her for not wearing make up often enough during their time at the Academy - and her hair loosely pinned up completed the easy look; after she had checked she had the essentials (keycard, credits and communicator all shoved in her clutch) she was out the door to meet Gaila.
She slid in between a pair of particularly overzealous couples at the bar, averting her eyes with a soft grin. There was no lack of pairings in the hotel bar she'd chosen to meet her friend at, or anywhere on the island. Even on her climb she had encountered groups of lovers supporting one another in their challenge. It was sweet, a pleasant change from all the heavy hearted drama the Enterprise had suffered of recent. Just the slightest part disappointed that she hadn't been able to spend more time with Spock, Nyota leant back against the bar and waited for Gaila, one brightly colored drink in hand.