Feb 19, 2009 13:15
So, Kansas has been in the news a lot lately for almost not paying state employees for the work they do. I've seen a lot of anger being thrown about at our Governor, who had planned on paying the employees until the Republican legislatures held her hostage to do doing so over the budget. Ugh. My biggest fear is that now that they know they can bully her into anything by withholding salaries of state employees, they can, and will, use that chip (and risk hard-working KS family incomes) whenever they feel like it. But what has also troubled me are the criticisms I saw being thrown about like state employees are somehow less important than the private workforce and the jobs they do should all be private.... Really!?!?! Two thoughts I had, since both my husband and I are state employees:
1. Do we actually want Kansas citizens to have higher educations or be unable to get them due to the rising costs (meaning only the rich could afford them) if the state universities became private institutions?
2. Do we really want private companies in charge of maintaining and certifying our bridges and roads are safe? I mean, we could pay a toll for every road we drive on and sue the company every time people die when the bridge collapses. That would TOTALLY help the economy.
40,000+ jobs in this state are not something that should be played with like little toys for the Republicans to play with and nor are they any less real or useful to our well-being. AHHHH!
I know this isn't well articulated, but it's because this issue just makes me SO MAD! I will write something more coherent when I calm down... but, of course, I will have calmed down and not find it as pressing to write about then. ;-)