So, in case you didn't know, classes started today. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to quite enjoy all of them this term, which is a nice change. Anyway, schedule looks like this:
MTW F 1000-1100 - MTH253 (Calculus)
MTW F 1200-1300 - PHY221 (Physics with lab from 1100-1400 on Thursday)
M W F 1300-1400 - MUS222 (Choir)
MTWR 1400-1500 - ENGR111 (Intro to Engineering)
I don't think it's going to be as tough as I had thought it would be. Hell, I only have two finals!
On a seperate, more standard note...
Stolen from
recoil_ My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Hauljust_some_nerd goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a zombie.
autarchex tricks you! You get a dead frog.
batmessiah gives you 2 red-orange cinnamon-flavoured hard candies.
crayolajk tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!
eaterofkittens gives you 6 light orange raspberry-flavoured wafers.
fizzylatte tricks you! You lose 3 pieces of candy!
lemon_kitty gives you 13 mauve apple-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
pukegreenshoes gives you 17 light orange raspberry-flavoured wafers.
recoil_ gives you 19 light orange banana-flavoured gummy bats.
silent_ripples gives you 5 orange lemon-flavoured gummy bats.
stufey gives you 9 light green watermelon-flavoured wafers.just_some_nerd ends up with 67 pieces of candy, and a dead frog.Another fun meme brought to you by
I get a dead frog! I win!