Feb 23, 2008 17:06
You want to do everything you can for your child. You want to give her every single thing she wants. You are willing to work and toil for hours just to see her smile. You work to give her good food, a clean & fun home, great memories...not to mention a good education and upbringing. You put your needs aside to fulfill hers, you sacrifice to give her everything you can. You don't take that bubble bath because she wanted to color with you, you make hot dogs when you really want salmon, you buy her the latest Hannah Montana gizmo when your pants have holes in the crotch. You do this because you want to be a good parent. AND YET, you do all this and what do you get in return? A selfish spoiled little beast who takes and takes and takes without giving in return. Yes, her love and affection are a reward but the constant bitching about "you never buy me anything" or the moaning and groaning when you ask them to pick up their toys...it often negates that. I need to practice facepainting to become the best I can but she acts like its the greatest inconvenience and refuses to let me paint her face. When I am at a party the kids say "I wish you were my Mom and then you could paint my face everyday!" and I am left to wonder at what point it would get old for them too. When does loving turn into spoiling? And how does one teach gratitude? We've tried all the standards, having her donate her toys to kids in need, have her save her allowance to buy something she wants, etc. Can you even TEACH something as abstract as gratitude? How can you love without turning them into a "Veruca Salt"?