What do you want for Hanukkah?

Dec 17, 2008 14:50

I imagine that around this time of year, most people get asked this, or something similar, a few times. But I have to be honest, this year I have found it hard to come up with things. I feel so lucky. I have what I want. And sure, there are silly little things that would be nice to have, but I don’t need any of them. We need stuff for the cupcake, but I know that will come later (though not too much later). These people are really asking ME. What do I want?

Last night over dinner I talked it out with the Wee and I came to the conclusion that I really want to make a difference for just a few people. That would be a great gift for me. Of course, I would love for my present to be successful pregnancies, healthy babies, secure fulfilling jobs, and supportive loving partners and families for all of the wonderful people out here in this blog space and beyond. But we all know that those things are just a tad bit out of my ability. So instead, I’d like to try and make more of a difference in the day to day lives of a family that I know.

I know that I can’t answer the main question with “please help so-and-so”. And I don’t really have much money to offer them. But I’d like to do what I can.
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