Nov 16, 2006 17:00
So I have been thinking about my sisters wedding and what i would like to wear for this seeing how i'm right up front as part of the how beside my sister. I have decided that I am going to rent a 3 peace 4 button black pin strip suit. The reason being is that I have been window suit shoping with men for a while for fun and the 4 botton looks so so so so so so hot on me and makes me feel like i'm all that and it looks with my inbodyment and makes everything look nice and butch and fits good. And I like the idea of a men's vest under. One it looks very dressy when you have the jacket open or if it gets hot and you want to take the jacket off. And it hides the chest a bit. I think I would like to wear a dress shirt that stands out a bit and a really nice silk tie so it would be very much a gay man look that I would be going for. What ya think
And baby if your reading this would you like to come and see you boi all dressed up getting his sexy on lol