i know,it's been a months since i posted about ARASHI,especially about our OHMIYA but that's why i'm here.to share a not so big moments of them,but still,their moment.that's what matters,right.
it's started when i was watching Arashi ni Shiyagare and there was this cut where Ueto Aya-san was supposed to massage Ohno's feet.well,there was a bit struggle...
you see!!but i think they manage to calm him down...
after the three guys forcefully hold and pin him down.poor ohchan.Oi!Aiba chan,watch where you're touching!lol
oh good gracious,he squirms so cute!!
you see that!who do you think belongs that hand's ohno's holding...of course it's our one and only Nino!i mean Junpon stands beside him too yet he choosed to hold nino's hand(jun also knows where to back off,huh.good!)
and after that,our sneaky Ohno volunteered Nino!look,look
Ohno totally laughed his ass out,and so did i.
Me:so Ninomiya san,how'd you feel about the massage?
Me:Ah,okay.*ran for my life*
Here's the cut i found in youtube since i can't post the video i watched due to private policy.enjoy!but i still suggests for you to watch the full episode!there's a lot of fun to be miss ;)
Click to view
Cool episode,right!for those who haven't watched it...well you haven't watched it,but better late than never! :))