Jul 24, 2008 22:19
My wife is away on a vacation to the Carribean - I don't know which island it was. She left me with prepared meals aplenty, so I'm all right as far as that goes, but my children and grandchildren are all busy - even Cheryl doesn't have time to spare for Granddad, this week.
I was telling this to my physical trainer during out morning exercises when they suggested to me, "Your Honor, you should have people over more often. This is a big house, not fit for one person. You can't rely on family all the time."
"Bryce," I said, "you're my physical trainer! Not my therapist. That appointment is at four."
So four o'clock rolled around and my therapist (who I haven't needed in a long time and who I suspect hates me for being uninteresting) said the exact same thing when I repeated it.
So here I am! Alone in my house with all the lights on.
Does anyone want to visit? I could use the company.