Aug 04, 2003 23:14
The most amazing thing happened this weekend..... My parents saw where i would be living and decided that was not a good idea. Which completely bummed me out but i still had this hope and peace in my heart that everything was gonna work out any way. Well this morning my Mom told me that her and Dad talked yesterday while i was away at a party and decided that they would rather me attend Seattle Bible College and live around that area than be down by the church. What strikes me as the most amazing about this is the fact that God continued to prove to me the validity of his word. Even though i knew i was supposed to be going to the Bible College this Fall, i layed down my desire and what i honestly felt the Lord saying to me, and honored my parents. God's word says that if we honor our parents that He will bless us, and boy did He ever bless me. If i had tried to go to the Bible College against my parents wishes, i would be taking MAYBE one or two classes there, this fall, still living with them (not to mention how irritated they would be) and frustrated that i had to work so hard to keep up with my bills. By honoring them, i have a cheap place to live in Ballard, i'll get to be with one of my closest girl friends, going to Bible College full time, and able to keep all my church and work commitments, i serve a GOOD GOD.
PRAISE YOU GOD, not only for what you do for me but for who you are YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT and GLORIOUS and WORTHY to be PRAISED......How amazing it is to be your kid. AMEN
Another HUGE lesson i'm just begining to grasp is that God wants me to be, for lack of better words, selfish with my time. Getting enough sleep, really digg'n in deep to His word, and setting aside time to worship at the top of my lungs, and "BE STILL and KNOW that HE IS GOD" everyday, need to be priority, I want to see people set free, but why would God give me divine appointments if i have nothing to give. Obviously i have Him to share, but i want to abide in Him daily, I want His Holy Spirit to come splashing off me into and on other people, and i want His love to radiate from my face. I continue to press into Him and be more seperate from the world daily. This is ONLY accomplished through His HOly Spirit's, prompting and strength. Without Him I AM NOTHING!!!!!!! It's been really lonely lately.....I realize that everyone has different callings, upon there lives but sometimes mine seems so radical and different that i don't fit in even with my christian friends, i mean i do and i don't. In general i don't watch T.V. and hardly any movies...something i'm working on now, is being very innocent about what i laugh about or allow myself to find funny. Someone said something that really hit me the other day, She said "when we don't blush or get shy about dirty jokes, sexual induendos as Christians we confuse the world, they need us to be different, but realize when we are different even if we become alienated, guess who they come to for prayer when things aren't going so well?" What a statement 'eh? Hmmm...... Yeah good stuff, hard stuff....but good.