Dec 01, 2010 23:39
It seems since starting college I have become the object of some no, Im not the college pin up (I wish) but more the college gunea pig..Psychology students, they LOVE me!
Im friends with a few people who are doingsaid they did some of the things I did i would be worried but because its me I think its ok psychology and apparently after having mentioning me to mentors they are fascinated by me. I have been asked if someone can do a thesis on me..Im aparently the most codependant person they have ever come accross and for someone who requires so much constant companionship things like my complete aversion of eye contact, my hatred of compliments, my overthinking of every single situation in my head and not to mention my complete focus on how i look to who ever i am interacting with that causes me to constantly check my image in reflective surfaces which is taken as a vain action by some people but it is ironically out of lack of confidence in how i look that i do it.
It felt weird having people sit there and discuss analytically every aspect of my made me question my sanity and fundamentally what is right with me? if i am so socially inept with so many odd quirks that I have never stepped back to look at, is that where i have been going wrong all these years ??
There are things about myslef i have never even noticed until somebody else has pointed it out to me and there things that would cause me to worry if i noticed them in a friend, which makes me think. How is it that we allow ourselves to do or not do things that we wouldnt dream of allowing or disallowing our friends ??? Like I diet sometimes i see nothing wrong with it but if a friend did some of the things that i do i would freak but because its me I think its perfectly acceptable. Its funny.
I would encourage everyone to look at your owwn personality and ask why ? why do I do these things ?? and you never know you may be suprised by what you discover