Jan 09, 2010 00:50
So my friends start bothering me that i havnt been paying any attention to the male sex recently ...more like the other way around but thats a different entry . This is when girls start there usual matchmaking game that no matter how hard you try ( believe me i trued) you will not get out of undated . So i (unwillingly) agree to go for coffee with a cousin of a friend who apparently went to a concert with us who thought i was nice who i dont even remember meeting let alone talking to but whatever . So unexcitedly one dreary december morning i get up (its windy....its rainy...its cold) and get dressed and make my way to to the city .
Thankfully this guy recognises me cause i hadnt got a clue what he looked like . Hes tall , reasonably attractive not that that actually botheres me im more a personality kinda girl. It was clear from the word go we were te most ill matched people in the history of ill matched couples aside from maybe a couple bands we liked in common and the fact were both sporty that was it I know the whole opposities attract and the its good to be different jig but this was just painfl i mean we paracticaly had to drag conversations out of eachother and what i was interested in was clearly of no consequence to him (he dismissed my love of painting and drawing as a useless talent that was a waste of myself) he was completly insesitive of topics . my freind had clearly given him a heads up on my slightly sesitive if not unstable manner and he actually asked straight out 'so i here your a bit depressed ,ever tried to off yourself , i know one of your friends did last year , but what bout you?' i was horrified and deeply offended i didnt know how to reply but by the dosy look on his face i knew he had no clue of anything he was saying so i remained pleasent countting down the minutes till i got to go home........it wasnt soon enough he soon started talking bout movies giving out that i havnt seen any 'modern master peices' , hes a movie person he tells me, nothing better than sitting in wit ha good film , i (unfortunatly for me) disagreed saying im more of a good book or a get up and go person not big into movies or television and when i do watch movies i like the cllassics 'how to marry a millionaire' 'all about eve' sweet charity' 'the breakfast club' to name a few , i was then submitted to an hour long lecture on why old movies could not compare to the greatness of new movies and how the avatars or whatever the blockbuster of last year was was the best ever movie of our time . I smiled and nodded and said 'yuhuh' at the right moments but all and all i was pretty bored
I went home feeling that he had to be in agreement that we had just had the worst date ever i was wrong. He text me that evening i had no credit to reply anyway and i hardly ever have my phone on me so i was 4 hours late reading te message ...in those 4 ours he had also called twice . the next day similar story im in the library phone in bag on silent after studying i leave to find 3 messags 4 missed calls 2 voicemals all wondering if im ignoring him..i catch call 5 explain the credit situation apologise . very aquard phone call but he keeps asking to see me again and what a great time he had ...i start feeling bad
bout a week later its my friends birthdaynow we planned a surprise party for like months . I was in charge of organising it , i booked the venue , i sent out the invitations via face book . notified the family . He calls me ...asks if im going to the party (hes her cousin) i say i organised it . He thinks that because he asked me to go that he invited me as a date ...i technically ivited him and the other 40 guests . Big night arrives . Suprise big success . He hasnt bothered me all night (probly intimidated by the 14 other girls im hanging round with) so we start doing shots to celebrate her birthday it was a little out of hand and i was very very drunk aafter it he approaches me at the bar he is easier to put up with when drunk .The birthday girl comes over with her brother says shes going out for a smoke and asks me to go too and eoin we walk out but the birthday girl doesnt follow im very confused i walk back in closly (too closely tailed by mister blind date) im getting suspicious but i always get paranoid when drinking im then asked to go buy some gum for someone i walk upstairs to get my coat to find my friend will not let me have it ...i have to go out in the lashing rain in a tiny pink shirt dress which gets very see through very quickly i thought i was alone but then oh what do you know mr blind date tagged along without asking (*cough* stalker*cough*) hes walking bout 20 paces behind me . i drop my purse i bend down start picking up my bits and pieces and he catches up on me i walk down the side alley that lead to the entrance of a lil 24 hoour store i know of and he follows me again i get annooyed i ask him why hes following me he shoves me against a wall and says "cause your gorgeous" and rams his tongue in my mouth while trying to shove his hand up my dress .......i dont know how to throw a punch but i can definatly shove a knee to a crotch as he soon found out...i made sure he couldnt reproduce and ran . I get back to the bar and everyone wonders whats wrong i reveal the story and......EVERYONE BLAMES ME!!!!
all of them thought i was a little harsh !!!
the guy manhandled me in an alleyway ?? what the hell ?? how was i wrong !!!!!!!!
he starts calling saying how i broke his heart and how he really thought we had a chance at something !!!!!!!
I attract them i really do and i feel soooooooo bad when i hurt their feelings (and there male parts) but i can t help it !!!