the night of my living hell

Apr 07, 2005 23:38

so yea tonight, i thought i had everything under control. me n kasey babez spent a good hour or two on the phone complaining about our hw. we were listening to crazy songs, singing, and i started making her a CD. we discussed our usual topics and ranted to each other. i love kasey. but of course all good things come to an end. we hung up lol.

i finally started building my rocket and realized i had no tape whatsoever that i could find. so i used every other material in my house. it was a disaster and then i called and talked to matt. i love matt to death and i miss him so incredibly much. once i get my license matt and i will be hanging out A LOT. so yea then i hung up with matt @ 10. he suggested that i use hot glue for the rocket considering i couldnt use tape. so i did. and like always i fried my fingers like KFC. i cant feel them right now and its very weird typing. but my mom called me at about quarter to eleven telling me where the tape was.

by this time almost my entire rocket was finished but i decided to glorify it with electrical duct tape. it came out ok. its just the prototype so i guess im all right. i still have to do my italian hw. and then shower n get in bed. and im sick on top of all this. and majorly cranky. but tomorrow should be a good day.

after school im working on my pegasus video. we have all our classes but shorter. we have not fun but wastes time. i have the smitty banquet tomorrow night...omg i get 2 see rose!!! yahee! and i got the most awesome-est news about the pride...CARA'S GONNA COME BACK!!! shes coming back from marlyand so she can play with us again. omg you guys dont understand the magnitude of this! im so psyched. and then saturday morning like i said i have practice and then im headed off to debate all day.

bye guys.
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