Christmas fever

Dec 17, 2008 12:17

My family celebrates Christmas, but when it is convenient. I will visit my sister at the end of January and we will do it then. One year it was in May. My "whatever" attitude toward Christmas is being fouled by my boss. Buddy the Elf is the only person I know with more Christmas spirit than my boss. She is sending out a multitude of gifts, all of which must be hand addressed, tissued, rubbed in her cootchie, etc. We have gone over her mailing list like five times now. She "knows" that certain people "must" be on the list. Why are they not there. Perhaps it is because she never gave me their address in the first place. Or maybe it was that time I let her cousin, who was doing an internship touch the mailing list. Who can say. I've had it up to my nipples with this crap and can't wait for it to all be over.
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