It's official: Courtship is dead.

Nov 22, 2007 16:20

I posted a note not to long ago on courtship and stating how it was dead and the globe and mail just confirmed it today.

Before I post some of the article I want to mention that my argument was essentially that courtship has gone entirely superficial and based on sexual acts. So sure enough, the Globe and Mail just confirmed that,

"...grinding is simply a part of a new script for twentysomething flirting and picking up."

"It's the new, can I buy you a drink?"

Better yet, apparently "grinding" is only provocative to those over 40, hmm.... "Anyone under the age of 40, he said, likely sees grinding as a completely natural form of dancing."

Ok, I am not anywhere close to 40 and grinding has to be one of the most un-classy things us "human beings" can do. I'm sorry but if that is the only way I am going to be able to have a chance with chicks I am going to spend the rest of my life alone. What ever happened to going to theater? Please someone tell me they can agree.

The media constantly proves everyday that we are progressing towards a better looking, less intelligible society and it's sad to see it.

bars, courtship, cynical, grinding, dancing, sex

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