Dec 21, 2004 16:53
Name: Daniel
Tattoos: None yet
Hair colour: brown
Eye color: Brown
siblings: 2 brothers & 1 sisters
Boy you kissed: none
Girl you kissed: none
Movie you rented: Walking Tall
Movie you bought: Dawn of the Dead
Song you listened to: Daughters
Song that was stuck in your head: Play that funky music white boy
Cd you bought/burned: Mixtape
Cd you listened to: mixtape
Person you called: Dad
Tv show you watched: sportscenter
Person you were thinking of: someone special
Person thats called you: Nick
Crush on someone: yes
long distance relationships: dont care
using someone: against
suicide: against
killing people: agaisnt
teenage smoking: against
driving drunk: against
gay/lesbian relationships: dont care
soap operas: totally against a waste of an hour
ever cried over a girl: no
ever cried over a boy: yes, my brother
ever lied to someone: yes
ever been in a fist fight: to many
ever been arrested: almost
Of times i have been in love: only with myself
Of times i have had my heart broken: never, but my hopes have been crushed before
Of hearts i have broken: none
Of people i would classify as true, could trust my life with type frends: 2
Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: dont kno
Picture? never
Of scars on my body:1
Of things in my past that i regret: only about mean things ive said to people
5 letter word: Danny
Actor/actress: dont have one
Candy: Crunch
Cereal: Coco puffs
Chewing gum: bublelicious
Color(s): blue and black
Day of week: viernes
Jello flavor: the one that jiggles
Jewelry: chains
Summer/winter: both
Saw u cry: Dad
Made u cry: brother
Yelled at u: mom
Apples or bananas: bannana
Blue or red: blue
Walmart or Target: target cuz i like the red cirles
Spring or Fall: both
What are you gonna do after u finish this: eat
What was the last meal you ate: hot dogs
Last noise you heard: footsteps
Last time you went outta state/province: brothers military graduation
Do you believe in love at first site: yes
Do you want children one day, and if so how many: 5 or 6
Most important thing in a friendship to you: Trust
Do you speak any other languages: spanish
Last book you read: Hannibal (not the guy that eats people)
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: bed and tv
Things you dislike about yourself the most: body
Who you miss: my brother
Initials: DV
How old do u look: 12 or 13 lol
How old do u act: depends on my mood
Glasses/contacts: both
Do you have any pets:yes
You wish you could live somewhere else: sometimes
Others find you attractive: NO
You want more piercings: none
You like cleaning: yea of course
You like roller coasters: HELL YEA
You write in cursive or print: print
Thought you were going to die: no
Wanted to run away: no
Flunked a grade: no
Ran away: no
Skipped a grade: no
Moved: yes
Been arrested: no
Gotten drunk: yes
Been in jail: no
Contacted the police: yes
Been in love: no
Smoked: no
Drank: yes
Did drugs: no
Kissed someone of the same sex: nope, never ever, no, NOOOOO, and i dont plan to
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: no
Been suspended: no
Hit a guy/girl: yea
Lied: yes
Stolen anything: yes
Broke a bone: do teeth count?
Cheated on a test: YES
Been in the hospital: yes
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: no one wants to cry on my shoulder
Fell asleep in the bath: lol yes
Gone to church: yes
Never slept during the night: who hasn't
Been on a hike: yes theyre fun
Been to a camp: yes
Seen someone die: on tv
Broken something valuable: dont remember
Been in a tornado: no
Streaked in the streets: no
Been skinny dipping: no unless taking a bath counts
Screamed at someone for no reason: yes
Been hurt by someone you love: yea but they were in my family
Been attacked: Yes
Stayed on the phone for over 3 hours: yeah
Said I love you and meant it: yes, my family
Gone out in public in ur pajamas: maybe
Kept a secret from everyone: no, not everyone
Cried during a movie: The Passion
Planned ur week based on the tv guide: no
Been to new york: no
To California: yes
Hawaii: no
China: no
Canada: no
Europe: no
Asia: no
South America: yes
Australia: no
Wished you were the opposite sex: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!