Courtney's baptism is tomorrow, and then graduation party at Coach's for Kiri, James, and Alyssa. tons o fun. then Pioneer Trek is on the 18th. i SO do not want to go. all well. Adam is in Brasil again, and today was my last day of school! woo! Morgan signed my year book. ♥ lol, and David Archuleta's pic was in it! =O i freaked out!
G R A P H I C S ;
I C O N S / A V A T A R S ; [4] David Archuleta [3] Miley Cyrus and friends [5] Disney Channel Games(green&red teams) [16] Twilight
B L E N D S / S I G S ; [6] Disney Channel Games [3] Twilight
T E A S E R S ;
i c o n s / a v a t a r s ; **oldest are first**
b l e n d s / s i g s ;
. comments are loved . please credit . do not hotlink . do not alter