Jun 02, 2008 17:48
From mof.
1. If you got the chance, would you ever give up your Dutch passport for a British one?
YES. Without a doubt. My nativeness will always reaffirm the Dutchness in me, but, as for my Britishness, I'd like it on paper. Particularly if it comes with a lovely Britman.
2. What's been your favourite part of your Britland adventure so far?
Oh dear, that's difficult. Just generally being able to manage, doing well at uni and building up a few very special friendships. The best moment of this year was mine and matt's trip to suffolk though: I've never felt so English in my life as when we were hunting rabbits!
3. Do you think you'll live here forever and become like Yeti?
Hopefully I will, though I'm not sure whether I'd be as good an ambassador for the Dutch language as she is. I think I'll just try and be very English but proud of my roots at the same time. Like you and the Swedes perhaps?
4. What's your favourite form of potato? (e.g. mashed, boiled etc.)
First boil for a bit and then fry with some butter, like my mum does. Not the healthiest way, that's why I don't do it too often.
5. If you could live anywhere in the world (but not the UK) where would it be?
A European capital with a lot of history and a lot to do. Paris, Madrid, Stockholm, maybe even Amsterdam?