Why must Takarazuka related items cost so much!?!?

Apr 05, 2009 20:45

So I had re-run across this clip of Zunko singing an orchestra version of "Ai to Shi no Rondo" - I've posted about it before 'cause I didn't know where it was from and was you know, dying of the amazement ^^; But I believe that was on Nico, but on the sidebar whatever, there was a link to this clip of her singing "Chijou no Hoshi" from what I'm assuming to be the same concert.

I didn't know the song and I figured, like her version of "Ai to Shi," that it was an epic version of a song so I looked it up. And I found that it's one of the ending songs to Lucky Star.


Holy buckets.

I really want it now. But alas, the only site I've found has it for $85.90, not including shipping and all. *sigh* Gosh darnit...

I need some kind of "throwing a tantrum because I need more money to buy Takarazuka items" icon.

That is all.

performance: ai to shi no rondo, video clips, fangirl, performance: chijou no hoshi, takarasienne: shizuki asato, takarazuka

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