Vanilla Mood

Jul 27, 2012 00:24

Every now and then Vanilla Mood puts up medleys on their Youtube channel and it always astounds me just how elegant they make it sound without losing the spirit of the original. They just posted a medley for Final Fantasy X and oh man, I seriously started tearing up at the beginning. So much behind that song, seriously...

Other medleys/covers (that I've probably linked before but doesn't hurt to link 'em again!):
Final Fantasy 7 medley - The song choice for this medley is just *perfect*
Star Wars
Beautiful World by Utada Hikaru
AKB medley
K-pop medley

And because I can't go without sharing something about Nana, here's a cute cut from After School's appearance on Weekly Idol - she just wants some omnoms~ XD

final fantasy, music, nana, vanilla mood

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