Just keep on wishing I was still in NYC

Jul 17, 2012 11:50

Counting down the weeks til I go back. Pretty bummed that I'm missing out on this series going on at the Lincoln Center for Gene Kelly.

Some quotes from the article: (I also think it's interesting that Kelly thought that John Wayne was "the most graceful man" ^^)

“Singin’ in the Rain” isn’t a dance for the stage but for the screen, in which the choreography and the camera, which Kelly referred to as a “one-eyed monster,” work in stunning tandem. It’s a conversation.

Current techniques of quick cuts, which highlight body parts instead of the total form, create less of a dance than a collage experience. On an episode from “Glee,” in which “Singin’ in the Rain” is reframed as a mash-up with Rihanna’s “Umbrella,” Gwyneth Paltrow and others splash around while the camera - in this case less a one-eyed monster than a violent, twisting fire hose - takes a dizzying tour of the stage.

*That last quote is a lot of what I don't like about a lot of filming, not only dance movies (and music shows - curse you K-pop camera people DX) but even action movies and just regular scenes. So much cutting goes on when you could easily use full shots and such.


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