3.31.09 - Spread the Word to End the Word....
So often I hear my daughter's friends and others using the word "retard" to describe a number of things or people. Often they don't use it to be mean or hateful, but what they don't realize is that for someone with a disability, who knows the word has, in the past, been used to describe them, it *is* hurtful, negative and derogatory. Maybe you use the word too. I would encourage you to choose a different word. To realize the power behind the words you speak and to use words that offer respect and dignity.
Today has been declared, by Special Olympics, as a day to bring awareness to the fact that the r-word is offensive and hurtful.
Won't you join me in pledging to end the use of the r-word? www.r-word.org
If you have an extra 10 minutes today these are both great to watch.
www.youtube.com/watch www.youtube.com/watch