(no subject)

Sep 29, 2006 15:50

Friday, September 29, 2006

Somewhere Over the Rainbow [[ Survey ]]
Current mood: awake


1. Closest red thing to you? my purse

2. Last thing to make you angry? not sure. probally some other driver who wouldnt let me get over or Alexx's teacher.

3. Do you have a temper? Not really too bad anymore.

4. Are you a fan of romance?: Yes, I think so.


1. Closest orange thing to you: There is a orange stripe on a blanket on my couch.

2. Do you like to burn things?: No, only candles.

3. Dress up for Halloween?: Yes, that is always alot of fun.

4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person?: Yes.

5. Do you have anything against redheaded people? No.

6. Are you usually full of energy?: Sometimes. I have my moments.


1. Closest yellow thing to you?: Moon on the cover of a Coldplay CD

2. The happiest time[s] of your life?: Hmmm... Seeing my boys for the first time ever. And a few others that are too personal to share.

3. Favorite holiday?: New Years.

4. Are you a coward?: Sometimes I am afraid to take risks or do what I want, but if I beleive in something strong enough I am not.

5. Do you burn or tan?: Tan.


1. Closest green thing to you?: A book on Legalizing Marijuana - I had to do a paper on it.

2. Do you care about the environment?: Yes. I don't liter. But I am hypocitical because I drive an SUV.

3. Are you jealous of anyone right now?: Hmmm... no.

4. Are you a lucky person?: I don't believe in luck, actually. You are who you make yourself out to be.

5. Do you always want what you cant have?: Doesn't everybody at some point? I am learning to be happy with what I do have and appreciate that.

6. Do you like being outdoors?: I love it. I am my happiest when I am outside. Espically near the beach.

7. Are you Irish?: I think I have some Irish in me.


1. Closest blue thing to you?: My shirt.

2. Are you good at calming people down?: Sometimes. I just listen to people and usually after they have said what they feel like they've needed to say they calm themselves down.

3. Do you like the sea?: Yes, I fucking LOVE the sea.

4. What was the last thing that made you cry?: Scary doctors visits.

5. Are you a logical thinker?: I guess so. I am an emotional thinker. But I think I am very logical, actually.

6. Can you sleep easily?: Hell, no.


1. Last purple thing you saw?: Bottle of KABOOM cleaner.

2. Like being treated to expensive things?: Sure, who doesn't.

3. Do you like mysterious things?: I like the mystery. I like anything that makes me think and wonder.

4. Favorite type of chocolate?: Mr Goodbar. Chocolate with nuts.

5. Ever met anyone in royalty?: Nope.

6. Are you creative?: Sometimes, when my mind is clear.


1. Closest pink thing to you?: A rose on my Ashanti CD.

2. Do you like sweet things? Sometimes when I am stressed I crave sweet food.

3. Like play-fighting?: Yes.

4. Are you sensitive?: I am actually really sensative and take too many things personally.

5. Do you like music?: I FUCKING love music and could not live without it.


1. Closest white thing to you?: Computer screen

2. Would you say you're innocent?: I look innocent, right? That should be good enough.

3. good at keeping the peace?: I don't start drama if that is what you mean.

4. How do you imagine your wedding?: Marriage and wedding...not something I usually imagine about anymore... But when and if that happens, I want a summer wedding, on a beach, with family and friends at Sunset, alot of roses and candles.

5. Do you like to play in the snow?: Yes, it'sfun. Not used to it since I grew up on the beach...

6. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist?: sometimes


1. Closest black thing to you?: A bracelet i have on.

2. Ever enjoy hurting people?: No, I avoid hurting people more than I avoid hurting myself. I HATE hurting other people.

3. Are you sophisticated or silly?: Deffiantly not sophisticated.

4. Would you like to go to space?: I think I would be afraid. But I am sure it would be a spectacular view and a mind blowing experiance.

5. Do you have a lot of secrets?: Not really. My business is my business and it's not a secret that things I've done or the things I think, I just chose who I share them with carefully.

6. What is your favorite color?: Depends on my mood. I like dark colors like grey and black... and i like bright pastel colors.

7. Does the color you wear affect your mood?: I usually wear the colors based on my moods, yes.
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