back to public - from myspace

Aug 30, 2006 09:34

Back to Public
Current mood: sleepy

Soo, I had made my profile private to keep out people who don't know me from judging me... but I don't care. And, lately I have been getting some add request from people that think they know me... and then there are those certain people that I don't want up in my biz... but It's back open. I don't care. I find my life interesting and I love to blog about it... sure, it's only interesting to me, but I amuse myself.

Latest news... I am moving on. I have found my sister and brother on here and hopefully we will become close. I have also gotten in touch with some of my favorite girlies from good ole' Mississippi. Depending on my mood, I am going to make the trip home... if not Fall Break for sure!!

Hmmm... my dad might be leaving Pascagoula and moving to Pananma City Beach, Fl. He has a realitor looking for a house now. With a pool. Sweet. I would deff visit more often. My brother is in Iraq now. Kinda scary.

I am questioning my major. I know i need to stick with something so I can finish. I need to talk to a UNC councelor. Thank gawd, I took foreign language in high school because I havent taken any in college. And I have to see what all that I have taken will transfer. I looked in the Journalism school. I think it would be awesome to work for a magazie or newspaper. I feel like I play shrink enough to all my friends, I dont know If i would want to do that all day long... it is an awful lot to take on. But I do love it. But i feel i am too biased off my personal experiances with relationships to give good advice... maybe in time things will be different.

Well... I am loooking forward to lunch on Friday, bowling this weekend, and a possibly party. I guess I am going to go out, meet people, and see how that goes. Its time to stop holding onto some ridiculous idea and kick the stupid emotions of holding onto something that never could be or would be and snap back into reality.

I used to think that if I put myself out there to someone, and told them how I felt... if they felt the same things would just flow from there. I dont get how someone how two people who care about one another constantly do things that hurt one another. I guess there comes a breaking point. So... once again. I am done. Just like that. I just dont think there is anyone out there that really gets me. or appreciates me... i guess i have that to look forward too...

well it is 12:30 i took my sleeping pill awhile ago. guess i will have to take two tomorrow...

i did hear some stupid ass shit on the news tonight. spike lee is making a movie about the comspiracy of the levys being blown up. they interviewed some crack head mo fos who heard the explosions... ya, okay. maybe bush, who doesnt like blalck people, thought it would be a great way to make the poor homeless so FEMA and the Red Cross could take care of all these poor people...

well i do have class tomorrow. why does this take so long? why did i not get it out of the way before... probally bc i wouldnt be where i am now and now what i know... ahh... gettting tiiiiiiiiiiired.


9:22 AM - 6 Comments - 8 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Damn mo-fo's, it's bad enough I have to deal with idiots and fires volunteering w/ the Red Cross, but now conspiracy theorists - ummmm, wow.

Oh, if you want to see about what major you should do, take one of those personality job tests (they have them on the computers in the career center). They'll show you what you'll enjoy doing and what majors will help you achieve those jobs, or if all else fails it'll give you a survey to do at school.

Posted by La' on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 3:19 AM
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hEY GIRLIE! u ROCK! i LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by ~UR'S TRULY~ on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 5:25 AM
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So if you play "shrink" with your friends while they are at they have to pay for lunch AND your services, or just lunch ;)

Posted by ImpetusXX on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 12:18 PM
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Shannon! at the Disco

Here's the thing about majors - in college I questioned my major right before my senior year and considered switching to something that would have seriously set me back. I agonized over it. I cried over it. I was mad over it. I ate twinkies over it. Then I decided to just stick with my original major and finish school out. After college I found out that no one cared what my degree was in (thank goodness, because it's in Political Science), as long as I had a bachelors. I even heard from law schools that they prefer to take folks that come from diverse educational backgrounds and don't have legal degrees. Now, 5 years later, I'm making great money with great benefits and no one ever asks me what my degree was in.

My advice, unless you want a really specialized career like medical, it's not really going to matter. And once you're in a career you can always get a specialized Masters.

Best of luck in your decision. Just don't worry too much about it. It will all work out!

Posted by Shannon! at the Disco on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 2:56 PM
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I'm going through the same crap with the degree. The journalism route does not sound that bad, simply because you would be creating the articles you write by yourself. A lot of pride in that.

Are you a person that would like to dedicate your time to help other people with their problems, suffering, and worries, or would you like to be creative, and see what you can do with your mind for yourself? If you can answer that question honestly about yourself, that eliminates hundreds of careers. In my opinion, people can achieve more pride in their work with their own accomplishments. When you have the opportunity to design something that is a success, whether art, a business, a building, etc., you will love it because it is yours. You are testing your creativity. If you are going to work everyday listening to other people's problems, which is fine too, but are you the type of person that would always be thinking about making something yourself? There are a lot of people that are creators, they just don't capitalize on it. When you do not do that, you could be left with a faint hole.

Something to think about from,

A classic textbook case phsycotic

Posted by Moe on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 9:13 PM
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Baby Shaker

'I dont get how someone how two people who care about one another constantly do things that hurt one another'-----------Quote of my freaking life.

Snap back to reality, J Rabbit!

My older brother is in Panama City. Little bro. is @ Tendall AFB close by too. Decent area.

Stick w/ your major. You may listen to your friends bitch, but listening to other bitch for $200hr is priceles.. Well....maybe not priceless. But $200 is very nice. Save the journalism for blogs.
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