Been missing in action again

Feb 21, 2021 15:49

It seems every time that I come by to post something I find it's been longer than I thought since my last post.

The lockdown has made me feel as if time has stopped. It feels as if nothing has been progressing. Maybe that's good, maybe not.

To alleviate the boredom because my son and his girlfriend are unable to visit until the lockdown lifts, my husband and I have been exercising every morning by playing table tennis. The best idea he's had in ages was to buy a full-size table tennis table and some good paddles and balls. I usually warm up by doing some exercise on the elliptical machine before we play. It's amazing how much it has helped us in a number of ways.

But household chores have become even more oppressive than normal since we are making more mess by not being able to go out. I miss eating in restaurants or from food trucks after our hikes. I really miss hiking, not just for the exercise but for gazing upon nature as well.

And I'm seriously considering hiring a cleaning lady because I feel overwhelmed at times at how much there is to do. I'm not getting any younger.

There's only so much TV you can watch and I've become rather obsessed with Chinese and Korean dramas and movies.

One good thing about that was that it got me back into writing fanfic and I've started a series based on The Untamed. What else? I'm too embarrassed, though, to promote it. But at least it got me writing once more.

Now to concentrate on The Silm again. I feel I've lost touch with it because I haven't re-read it or any of the other associated books in ages. If B2MEM were still in existence I'd be getting into it again but alas! My favourite Tolkien challenge is no more.

I know I should be paying more attention to the SWG. I often read the new challenges and they are truly mouth-watering but I haven't been able to give myself enough of a boost to try a new one. I'm still stuck on some old ones from at least a year ago.

Actually, my old favourite laptop died. It was a Lenovo, circa 2012 and I did love the stupid thing. I like Lenovo's keyboards because they're big and clean without a lot of extra stuff that I never use. The old one had a cracked screen but was still usable, although it was a bit difficult to see what was on the screen, and that probably put me off doing any writing.

So I bought a new Lenovo, called Legion. It's smaller than the other, but nice. It's also a gaming computer which I thought I might use even though I haven't gamed in ages. And fortunately, all my WIP's from years ago are still on Word, thank goodness.

For Christmas I got a Nintendo Switch but only just opened the thing recently. The idea was to play Animal Crossing with my daughter and so far it's been fun but I'm a real noob and am just learning the basics. We can communicate during the game which is nice.

Aside from the above (pretty mundane stuff) we are all awaiting a diagnosis for my little 7-year-old granddaughter, Jessica. She has been having what they call "Absence Seizures" (it used to be called Petit Mal Epilepsy). My brother has this also, but there is medication for it and it works very well to prevent the seizures from happening. Jessica needs to have a brain scan and they are waiting for the appointment to come through, in order to confirm that's what this is. Currently she cannot attend school because she was having 10 or 12 seizures a day and it would be impossible for her to continue in a classroom setting.

My daughter said the poor little thing doesn't know what's happening to her and gets upset by it. I'm sure she does, the sweetheart. I wish they were here so I could look after her.

Here's hoping for the best news possible about this. My daughter will keep us posted.

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