joan baez, bob dylan and the rain

Apr 26, 2020 14:44

It's raining today, but gently and the sky is trying to choose between light and clouds. Its colour is white in some places and very pale blue in others. I feel odd today as if I am coming down with something so I decided to relax and listen to music, mainly Bob Dylan and Joan Baez.

Their songs take me back to when my sister and I were in our late teens - about 16 and 17 - and spending the summer in the country where my parents had rented a cottage. We were smitten with the popular music of the time but there was nowhere we could listen to it at that cottage so we sang the songs we could remember the words to to each other.

I remember that because we were bored we wrote a song parody based on Dylan's "The House of the Rising Sun" and we called it "The Outhouse of the Falling Spiders" because the cottage wasn't fitted with a toilet so we had to go and do our business outside with the help of a flashlight. We were fascinated by the large number of spiders (some of them very large themselves) who chose to hang out in that dark little building. I remember it was painted dark green but a lot of the paint was peeling off.

I wish I could remember the words to that parody! We would sing it while taking the rowboat the cottage owners had provided us out on the lake. We sang our parody, of course, and never sang the real words ever again.

I have no idea what I'm writing about but I think I'm getting a bit feverish.

Years later in the 80's I bought the DVD of "Woodstock", that amazing film of the event. I liked Joan Baez' performance the best and every year I listen to that DVD which is getting very old now but I love it and can't part with it.

Edit: I decided to come back and add this song from Joan Baez. It's sad, I know, but it's kind of fitting for these times, isn't it?

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