A huge vent

Apr 14, 2012 20:16

Apparently the term fuckface will get you kicked off a news commenting board. Someone posted a link on facebook about a woman soldier jogging at 9 pm and getting raped back in Fayetteville. This dickhead complains about the thousands of dollars in taxpayer dollars being spent investigating this crime that common sense would have avoided. I reponded with how about if someone had castrated the predator to begin with. Fuck this enrages me.

To make it worse 3 people commented on the post about how she should never run at night alone. Fucking way to blame the victim. Jared even chimed in with "how dare these women run alone at night when I'm so tired of raping them" I mean really nobody forces the asshole to get erect and forcibly push a woman into sex. Nothing.

I am shaking I am so mad at these women. I was raped once and the first thing I was asked was what was I wearing? How in the fuck is that anybodys concern? This is why rape is so underreported.

I'd also like to say all the people complaining about her running alone at night were women. Way to band together. I hope it never happens to them. And thank god rape never happens during the day.
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