hmm....well ive done a lot in the past week...i cant even remember half of it....ive been spending a lot of time with the family... its rare...but fun haha!! well thursday was sucha good day! it was one of those random days that always turn out super fun....
well let me tell ya all about it.....i went to e.r. as usual, and after we went to bk...later i left with ian ileana and aaron we went to ians for a little bit to pick up some money...omg aaron is so dumb he walked into a fucking air conditioner!!! hahaha omg it was soo funny! after we went back to bk...ian left with justin and aaron went it was just me and ileana. Then enrique came and we wanted to smoke but we didnt have a lighter or a piece so then david went to the doughnut shop to buy us a lighter and we stole an apple from "super A" lol it was sooo funny...then we smoked 2 bowls in the alley hahah and mikey came and scared the shit out of us! later we went to the movies...our friend snuck us in and we saw "farenheith 911" it was pretty interesting. After that we chilled in glendale for a little bit and then split up to go home. Me and enrique went home together and then went to the doughnut shop!
Then on friday me and kayleen were chilling at my house and then sofie came over lol...we got sooo stoned!!! fucken sofie is so hilarious! hahah ...(remember our cowboy song!! hahah)
we chilled and then later sofie left. Me and kayleen went to glendale all fucked up...then we met up with enrique...ten minutes later rachel and fernando showed up and like two minutes after that tyler, jason and some gay guy named george came! so it turned out fun... we went to go to "avp" it was the dumbest movie ever hahaha! well i thought i didnt do much i went out to lunch with kayleen and ileana. it was fun...then i got in trouble and i just statyed home all day....what a way to spend a saturday!! its ok i guess i needed time alone and im pretty sure enrique is gonna end up coming over to spend the night soon so its all good lol! k well kids i gotta go love ya lots!!!