Jul 31, 2008 10:08

 I'm dreading in going to work today. There's going to be pizza that Guillermo is bringing in earlier or later on as the day goes by and i don't want to disrespect him and have anyone have a suspicion that i don't eat even more it's just.....i already fucked up my liquid fast last night so i'm really not in the mood to be eating any types of solids for a good while.  And what my uncle had told me about his thought about being anemic I'm starting to wonder if he's right. All the signs are there I'm just ignoring them. They're not bothering me or anyone else so why should it matter.. dot dot dot..Eventually i'll be fine, adjust to it. Maybe.

But anyway i'm doing that loose ten pounds by August 12th and i'm highly excited to do that because i've been slacking off and putting everything off because of family and work. But you know what i have to stop doing that.. There's no way i'm falling into my old routine of saying tomorrow and the next day and the next. It's ridiculous on how this kind of shit adds up. No i'm putting my foot down and going to actually committ to this. No cheat days. No binges. I'm tired of it all. Well not anymore.

Work. The main computer that is in the drive-thru is down so we've been using one of the registers in the front. Number 200 exactly and taking the orders there, printing the ticket and then walking all the way to the side where the window is and changing the money with a calculator so we can give the customer the right amount of change back. it's so hectic. Here, there but it's good exercise i guess.. Have i mentioned i've been learning how to make the fountains. I already learned how to make the milkshakes, malts, and twisters. They showed me how to do the short cake but it's a bit complex. Slowly but surely i'll be able to make it all. I like how they took one of my days off away from me so they could train me. 9-4.. Yeah that was my shift yesterday...Work how you like to make me your slave is not cool with me daddy-yo.

Off to work for the man now.

fuck you pizzaman with your pizza, work, exercise, no more fat days, main morning drive thru cashier

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