Dec 07, 2004 18:45
Man I am tired as hell right now and my head hurts too. I took Sprouts advice but, probably not the way she meant it. I started training to increase my strength and magical power. I also started to try to learn Gobbledegook. I was going to choose based off which one I liked more but, Training to increase my strength and magic if tough but very relaxing in away, and Gobbledegook is a very nasty and hard language but I also find it interesting. I was going to decide what to do by what I like doing more in preperation but, I am enjoying both. So I'm still at a stand still on which career to choose. A couple people asked me what I was doing because.... Well mainly because I was in the library or outside rigorously training any way I could.... ok it wasn't that rigorous based on what I usually do, but that doesn't matter to much.
Megan I may need you to be with me for a training Idea I have for later in the year. Since your going to be a Healer you'd be very helpful.